Dialog o vlajce
Dialog About a Flag
Datum scénáře:
Datum vysílání:
Pro program: BBC
Čísla programů: 4
Čísla programů: 4
Název písně: -
Variantní název: Dialog About a Flag
Jan Werich, Jiří Voskovec
Vlajka bylo malé československé nacionalistické a z části i fašistické hnutí
Jan Werich, Jiří Voskovec
Místo nahrání: Hollywood
Digitalizováno: ano
Ottuv slovník naučný,dil druhy,blb az eancati.
Co taa»hledáte ?' TO CA NCA't £ ?
то J? f-řěZLO{ t & U Chci se poučit o ty novy vlajce u nas doma*
A to hledáte pod c •
tfcuvati,cizota,cizactvi,cá*,cancour tez Vlajka,list List ? Tak to voni tam máji ted uz jen papirovy vlajky ?
Tadle vlajka neni přece zadna vlajka,tadle vlajka je list
J—„4И pl TVL/CT* L/fr ť .pfrlttjGH }
• • • •
• • • •
List v dejiro
Ale houby,ta se do dějin nikdy nedostane.List - plátek
w аья pí fltov
^ П ЗУ UP' T-£H»L£ ' ?l/!rTEк. L/D/ty&bArO/
V 7» ^^Ustredni plátek narodni fašistické organisace pro uzskou spolu- ' práci s Velkým Nemeckem. Jeji clenove auj4r vlaj kari.
Co delaji takovi vlajkari ? - , NjJ
7> /г. fA. Ad. ’„JE oUrr**au ég íW&rn ^ «V
nrilclaixpo sioúcha-i i
«оно/ ——я—*
tHaJ'* ? - Hitlera ?
Ppofllm Vao jlcahcr-vla
Ale co vas vede - jedine kratkovlne vysilacky.Londýn a Moskvu.
rVy jsou jim Ь14дед»
'Q1 1
A když lidi poslouchej i, tak vlajkari poslouchej i, co lidi poslouchají, a pak to poslusne hlasi vrchnímu národnímu vlajkari - tedy,Hitlerovi. , my l/LAJ té A tí? p&JLéb&řrtJ/' mtn-TV ,
A-jтготг та tu plas uhlí ? ЫТАТТУ Г SLO UCt+A J/ RAĎ'0
| | | í-frbSKvy-
,£t ~oU * Лиггг^^иэСбъа/
JH-TLtr / Č*A4 &LCLsL4^
fbrrttí-Ыъ a** Си*м~t /utc. ёЩЩ ,
ty !
/■yvvbr f fro- jWtCyvt <í£qÍíA*. (yQsV>U&
^ (J
Prosim vas, jak by se moh člověk stát vlaj karem ? Tam se dostanou jen kvalifikované osoby..
odborni naslouchalkove - s velkýma ušima ? Oh,nikoliv.To je velice důmyslné zařízeno.
Mne to zajima - tBBba bych se pro to hodil .
• •
• * • •
Dialog o Vlaj ce
7/^o /CU V*oSTbV^,téN/HO fyt NETtQ£T£,
ČÁcjuÍl, /vulTco- frŽieL&cAaA- 4_______ _
Co to mate ?
> &
Ottuv slovník naučný,dil druhy,blb az eancati.
Co taa»hledáte ?' TO CA NCA't £ ?
то J? f-řěZLO{ t & U Chci se poučit o ty novy vlajce u nas doma*
A to hledáte pod c •
tfcuvati,cizota,cizactvi,cá*,cancour tez Vlajka,list List ? Tak to voni tam máji ted uz jen papirovy vlajky ?
Tadle vlajka neni přece zadna vlajka,tadle vlajka je list
J—„4И pl TVL/CT* L/fr ť .pfrlttjGH }
• • • •
• • • •
List v dejiro
Ale houby,ta se do dějin nikdy nedostane.List - plátek
w аья pí fltov
V 7» ^^Ustredni plátek narodni fašistické organisace pro uzskou spolu- ' práci s Velkým Nemeckem. Jeji clenove auj4r vlaj kari.
Co delaji takovi vlajkari ? - , NjJ
7> /г. fA. Ad. ’„JE oUrr**au ég íW&rn ^ «V
nrilclaixpo sioúcha-i i
«оно/ ——я—*
tHaJ'* ? - Hitlera ?
Ppofllm Vao jlcahcr-vla
Ale co vas vede - jedine kratkovlne vysilacky.Londýn a Moskvu.
rVy jsou jim Ь14дед»
'Q1 1
A když lidi poslouchej i, tak vlajkari poslouchej i, co lidi poslouchají, a pak to poslusne hlasi vrchnímu národnímu vlajkari - tedy,Hitlerovi. , my l/LAJ té A tí? p&JLéb&řrtJ/' mtn-TV ,
A-jтготг та tu plas uhlí ? ЫТАТТУ Г SLO UCt+A J/ RAĎ'0
| | | í-frbSKvy-
,£t ~oU * Лиггг^^иэСбъа/
JH-TLtr / Č*A4 &LCLsL4^
fbrrttí-Ыъ a** Си*м~t /utc. ёЩЩ ,
ty !
/■yvvbr f fro- jWtCyvt <í£qÍíA*. (yQsV>U&
^ (J
Prosim vas, jak by se moh člověk stát vlaj karem ? Tam se dostanou jen kvalifikované osoby..
odborni naslouchalkove - s velkýma ušima ? Oh,nikoliv.To je velice důmyslné zařízeno.
Mne to zajima - tBBba bych se pro to hodil .
• •
• * • •
Dialog o Vlaj ce
7/^o /CU V*oSTbV^,téN/HO fyt NETtQ£T£,
ČÁcjuÍl, /vulTco- frŽieL&cAaA- 4_______ _
Co to mate ?
> &
sudky^vsecřsoud v^irac^**‘ ne<^avno právo zrusiti pravoplatné roz-Co to ma společného s vlaj kari ?
Pravé,ze ma.Tedyjpan Protektor ceká az je o někom trestními soudy ve třech instancích pravoplatné rozhodnuto.ze je vrah.lupič.zlodei, zharjvyderac ....... 7 o.
Proste kvaltfikovanej zločinec.
Ano.Když ma tedy neawfftere z jištěno, ze teh a ten je opravdu bezcit-ny ...
bezectný bezohledný zvrhlik
se zarucene zlými úmysly jednajiei za účelem zištným tak rozsudek zrusi -
- zlocindé osfcobodi -
- а se stane vlaj kar on .
Tomu rikam zkouška spolehlivosti • ^
Takovéj uredne zkousenej vlajkai^fak J&S f *
horst-veselí^ -v/
totalitari -*/ >/ "v /
vsenan?1 - ЫЩ^
tady to ostatně mate ^v, v, v, velko statkar, velezrado e, vlaj kar - tuto
- vlajkariviz tez ostuda naroda.Nejnizsi sebranka scestných individui.vykvet zradcovstvi, spiclovstvi,fizlovstvi,udavačstvi.Chamrad , žrala pro kandelábry pražských ulic,
Bože,bože,to bude jednou alej i
A ta ouroda - ,aby se nam ty kandelábry nezvohybaly •
To mamě Vaclavak,Narodni.pak pres most,Viteznou,Karmelitskou a Nerudovou na Hrad - kolik to muže byt kandelábru ?
Dvěma radama - no dejme tomu - par stovek .
Jen aby to stačilo,pro pana .
Tak se pojede oklikou.
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • • •
• • •
> /yvt p fey Ořé A.
• •
• ••
• w
< 5й
sudky^vsecřsoud v^irac^**‘ ne<^avno právo zrusiti pravoplatné roz-Co to ma společného s vlaj kari ?
Pravé,ze ma.Tedyjpan Protektor ceká az je o někom trestními soudy ve třech instancích pravoplatné rozhodnuto.ze je vrah.lupič.zlodei, zharjvyderac ....... 7 o.
Proste kvaltfikovanej zločinec.
Ano.Když ma tedy neawfftere z jištěno, ze teh a ten je opravdu bezcit-ny ...
bezectný bezohledný zvrhlik
se zarucene zlými úmysly jednajiei za účelem zištným tak rozsudek zrusi -
- zlocindé osfcobodi -
- а se stane vlaj kar on .
Tomu rikam zkouška spolehlivosti • ^
Takovéj uredne zkousenej vlajkai^fak J&S f *
horst-veselí^ -v/
totalitari -*/ >/ "v /
vsenan?1 - ЫЩ^
tady to ostatně mate ^v, v, v, velko statkar, velezrado e, vlaj kar - tuto
- vlajkariviz tez ostuda naroda.Nejnizsi sebranka scestných individui.vykvet zradcovstvi, spiclovstvi,fizlovstvi,udavačstvi.Chamrad , žrala pro kandelábry pražských ulic,
Bože,bože,to bude jednou alej i
A ta ouroda - ,aby se nam ty kandelábry nezvohybaly •
To mamě Vaclavak,Narodni.pak pres most,Viteznou,Karmelitskou a Nerudovou na Hrad - kolik to muže byt kandelábru ?
Dvěma radama - no dejme tomu - par stovek .
Jen aby to stačilo,pro pana .
Tak se pojede oklikou.
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • • •
• • •
> /yvt p fey Ořé A.
• •
• ••
• w
< 5й
Такт to ja uz na to misto vlaj kare ner ef 1 ektu ju. J a mam rad zajištěnou exá existenci a tohle je zajištěna neexistence*
Ja vam rozumám*Vy byste rad skončil v pensi a ne na kandelábru*Jak kdo.
Vono s vlajkama je potiz,jak by řekl Švejk.Von když to neni vopravdu dobrej poetivej material,tak to nevydrží.Spatna vlajka vybledne,vopere e€. to a-^je to jako podlikacky.
Von^ jsou dobry stálobarevný vlajky,na kery je spolehnuti. Vemte takovou* anglickou,to je pevnej material a vlaje po celým svete v každým podnebi.
A americka?S terna krasnejma pruhama a hvazdama?Na cely zapadni polokouli se ji dari a jaký je tu slunce,to je poradna pracemilionu lidi,ta je pord jako nova.
A když uz mluvit e o milionech lidi «co takova ruská vlajka? Je jednobarevná praktická a vlaje nad šestinou světa.
Ja mam rad československou vlajku.Rekne se ze vlala jen dvecet let,ale ty tri barvy,bila modra a červena,ty víaly uz dávno a nikdy vlát neprest|t Ty tri barvy davaj dohromady dve třetiny sveta*Kam se na to hrabe ta vlajka.
Vy myslite ta s tim hákovým křižem.To neni dobrej material.
To je tak dobry nekde v Mnichove v Bierhalle,jako vodznak stolni společné byt to tak vzniklo.U pivni politiky ji vymysleli.
Jenže voni ted tu vlajku davaj kam to nepatři.Na Eiffelku,Na Hradčany,
Na Akropol,Amsterodam,do Norska....*To jsou moc ruzny podnebi na tak spa$ material .A este by to ty nerozumové rádi Aálí/jfíá/ vyvěsili v těch londýnské jch mlhách a na těch ruskéjch studenohorkejch stepich.Dyt jim to vybledne.
Ja vam něco povim.Von uz ten hackenkreutz bledne ted.
Esli to chtěj takhle dělat dal,tak nevim*Porad ten hackenkreutz,mavaj s Л nim,jednou se podivaj nahoru,jak jim ten hackenkreutz vlaje a bude vostúd Von bude tak vybleélej,ze z cely ty jejich vlajky jim zbude bila fangle.
A když se vytáhne bila fangle,tak se přestane strilet.
a konec ty vlajky taky.
A bude konec války
.. •.
« 5
& >
> > >
Такт to ja uz na to misto vlaj kare ner ef 1 ektu ju. J a mam rad zajištěnou exá existenci a tohle je zajištěna neexistence*
Ja vam rozumám*Vy byste rad skončil v pensi a ne na kandelábru*Jak kdo.
Vono s vlajkama je potiz,jak by řekl Švejk.Von když to neni vopravdu dobrej poetivej material,tak to nevydrží.Spatna vlajka vybledne,vopere e€. to a-^je to jako podlikacky.
Von^ jsou dobry stálobarevný vlajky,na kery je spolehnuti. Vemte takovou* anglickou,to je pevnej material a vlaje po celým svete v každým podnebi.
A americka?S terna krasnejma pruhama a hvazdama?Na cely zapadni polokouli se ji dari a jaký je tu slunce,to je poradna pracemilionu lidi,ta je pord jako nova.
A když uz mluvit e o milionech lidi «co takova ruská vlajka? Je jednobarevná praktická a vlaje nad šestinou světa.
Ja mam rad československou vlajku.Rekne se ze vlala jen dvecet let,ale ty tri barvy,bila modra a červena,ty víaly uz dávno a nikdy vlát neprest|t Ty tri barvy davaj dohromady dve třetiny sveta*Kam se na to hrabe ta vlajka.
Vy myslite ta s tim hákovým křižem.To neni dobrej material.
To je tak dobry nekde v Mnichove v Bierhalle,jako vodznak stolni společné byt to tak vzniklo.U pivni politiky ji vymysleli.
Jenže voni ted tu vlajku davaj kam to nepatři.Na Eiffelku,Na Hradčany,
Na Akropol,Amsterodam,do Norska....*To jsou moc ruzny podnebi na tak spa$ material .A este by to ty nerozumové rádi Aálí/jfíá/ vyvěsili v těch londýnské jch mlhách a na těch ruskéjch studenohorkejch stepich.Dyt jim to vybledne.
Ja vam něco povim.Von uz ten hackenkreutz bledne ted.
Esli to chtěj takhle dělat dal,tak nevim*Porad ten hackenkreutz,mavaj s Л nim,jednou se podivaj nahoru,jak jim ten hackenkreutz vlaje a bude vostúd Von bude tak vybleélej,ze z cely ty jejich vlajky jim zbude bila fangle.
A když se vytáhne bila fangle,tak se přestane strilet.
a konec ty vlajky taky.
A bude konec války
.. •.
« 5
& >
> > >
W: What do you have there? Don’t bring some kind of thick book to me. Do you want to read me something?
V: It is Ottuv’s Encyclopedic Dictionary, the second volume, bonehead to cretin.
W: What are you blabbering? Those are passwords in the dictionary.
V: I want to learn more about that new flag we have here at home.
W: And are you looking under ‘C’?
V: Certainly - couvati, cizota, cizáctvi, cár, cancour - like Flag, a sheet of paper, ...
W: A sheet of paper? So now they only have paper flags?
V: This flag isn’t just a flag, this flag is a sheet of paper…
W: What kind of sheet of paper? A historical paper?
V: Nonsense, this sheet of paper will never be in history. A sheet of paper - pulp.
W: Oh yes, pulp… You mean like orange pulp?
V: People would actually enjoy some orange pulp. This pulp, people do not enjoy. This is the main pulp of the national facist organization for the close cooperation with Hitler’s Reich. Their members are called “Flaggers”.
W: And what do these Flaggers do exactly?
V: It’s like this - at home, everybody listens…
W: Excuse me, who? Hitler?
V: Oh nonsense - just short-wave radio. London and Moskow. And when people listen, then the Flaggers listen, what the people listen to, and then they politely report to the top national Flagger - in this case, Hitler.
W: So the Flaggers listen to Hitler, while everyone else listens to the radio broadcasts from London and from Moskow.
V: The difference is that people who listen to the radio are persecuted, while Flaggers who listen to Hilter are paid money.
W: Excuse me, how can someone become a Flagger?
V: Well, they have to be a qualified individual…
W: … An expert snooper - with giant ears?
V: Not at all. It’s much more selective.
W: I’m interested in that - maybe I could be eligible.
V: It is Ottuv’s Encyclopedic Dictionary, the second volume, bonehead to cretin.
W: What are you blabbering? Those are passwords in the dictionary.
V: I want to learn more about that new flag we have here at home.
W: And are you looking under ‘C’?
V: Certainly - couvati, cizota, cizáctvi, cár, cancour - like Flag, a sheet of paper, ...
W: A sheet of paper? So now they only have paper flags?
V: This flag isn’t just a flag, this flag is a sheet of paper…
W: What kind of sheet of paper? A historical paper?
V: Nonsense, this sheet of paper will never be in history. A sheet of paper - pulp.
W: Oh yes, pulp… You mean like orange pulp?
V: People would actually enjoy some orange pulp. This pulp, people do not enjoy. This is the main pulp of the national facist organization for the close cooperation with Hitler’s Reich. Their members are called “Flaggers”.
W: And what do these Flaggers do exactly?
V: It’s like this - at home, everybody listens…
W: Excuse me, who? Hitler?
V: Oh nonsense - just short-wave radio. London and Moskow. And when people listen, then the Flaggers listen, what the people listen to, and then they politely report to the top national Flagger - in this case, Hitler.
W: So the Flaggers listen to Hitler, while everyone else listens to the radio broadcasts from London and from Moskow.
V: The difference is that people who listen to the radio are persecuted, while Flaggers who listen to Hilter are paid money.
W: Excuse me, how can someone become a Flagger?
V: Well, they have to be a qualified individual…
W: … An expert snooper - with giant ears?
V: Not at all. It’s much more selective.
W: I’m interested in that - maybe I could be eligible.
V: Herr Protektor recently reserved the right to abolish lawful judgements of all courts.
W: What does that have to do with Flaggers?
V: In fact, it has much to do with Flaggers. Herr Protektor is waiting for the three instances when the court of law makes the final decision when someone is a murderer, a robber, a thief, an arsonist, or a blackmailer.
W: So a qualified thief.
V: Yes. When he has courtly judgement, that so and so person is truly heartless… Dishonorable… Inconsiderate...Deviant…
W: … With guaranteed bad intentions… with disgusting and dishonest intentions… with selfish objectives...
V: Then he will abolish the judgements.
W: And liberate the criminal.
V: And he will become a Flagger.
W: I call that a test of trust.
V: This courtly tested Flagger certainly celebrates.
W: Horst - celebrates
V: Collaborates. All-German. Here you have the definition from the dictionary: v,v,v, velkostatkář (landowner), velezrádce (traitor), vlajkař (Flagger) - here it is - see, a national disgrace. The lowest scumbags of lying individuals. Synonymous with treachery, betrayal, snitcher, informant. Scumbags, ideal for decorating candelabras.
W: Jesus Christ, that will be an avenue!
V: It will be abundant - hopefully the candelabras won’t break.
W: We will have Wenceslas Square, Národní Avenue, then over the [Charles] bridge, Vítězná street, Karmelitská street and Nerudová street all the way up to the [Prague] Castle - how many candelabras would that be?
V: In two rows - well let’s say - a few hundred.
W: Hopefully that will be enough, for goodness sake.
V: If it is not enough, then there would be a detour.
W: What does that have to do with Flaggers?
V: In fact, it has much to do with Flaggers. Herr Protektor is waiting for the three instances when the court of law makes the final decision when someone is a murderer, a robber, a thief, an arsonist, or a blackmailer.
W: So a qualified thief.
V: Yes. When he has courtly judgement, that so and so person is truly heartless… Dishonorable… Inconsiderate...Deviant…
W: … With guaranteed bad intentions… with disgusting and dishonest intentions… with selfish objectives...
V: Then he will abolish the judgements.
W: And liberate the criminal.
V: And he will become a Flagger.
W: I call that a test of trust.
V: This courtly tested Flagger certainly celebrates.
W: Horst - celebrates
V: Collaborates. All-German. Here you have the definition from the dictionary: v,v,v, velkostatkář (landowner), velezrádce (traitor), vlajkař (Flagger) - here it is - see, a national disgrace. The lowest scumbags of lying individuals. Synonymous with treachery, betrayal, snitcher, informant. Scumbags, ideal for decorating candelabras.
W: Jesus Christ, that will be an avenue!
V: It will be abundant - hopefully the candelabras won’t break.
W: We will have Wenceslas Square, Národní Avenue, then over the [Charles] bridge, Vítězná street, Karmelitská street and Nerudová street all the way up to the [Prague] Castle - how many candelabras would that be?
V: In two rows - well let’s say - a few hundred.
W: Hopefully that will be enough, for goodness sake.
V: If it is not enough, then there would be a detour.
W: Well I don’t want to be a Flagger anymore. I prefer a guaranteed existence and this would be a guaranteed non-existence.
V: I understand. You would like to reach retirement and not on a candelabra. Like everyone.
W: Flags can be problematic, how Švejk would say. When it’s not a truly reliable material, then it won’t last. A cheap flag will fade its colors. You can wash it and in the end you can use it as undergarments.
V: Colourfast flags are the best. You can rely on those. Just take the English flag - that’s some sturdy material that waves all across the world and in all climates.
W: And the American flag? With those beautiful stripes and stars? In the entire western hemisphere, with all of that sun, the good work of millions of people, it still looks like new.
V: And while you’re talking about millions of people, how about that Russian flag? It is uni-colored, practical, and waves across a sixth of the globe.
W: I prefer the Czechoslovakian flag. It has been flying for twenty years, but those three colors - white, blue, and red - they have been flying for some time and they will never stop flying. Those three colors make up two thirds of the world. And what do you think about the flag that flies in the German Reich today?
V: You mean the one with the hooked cross. That’s not a good material.
W: That flag is only good on a button of a beer association in Munich.
V: After all, that's it was conceptualized - over some drunk politics.
W: But now they are putting that flag in places where it doesn’t belong. On the Eiffel Tower, on Hradčany..
V: … On Acropolis, in Amsterdam and Norway… That’s lots of varied climates for such a bad material. And now those fools would like to put it in the London fog and in those cold-hot Russian Steppes. After all, it will fade on them.
W: Let me tell you something. That hooked cross is already fading on them.
V: If they want to continue on like this, then I don’t know. Always that hooked cross, they wave it everywhere, one day they will look up, and see how that hooked cross flies, and it will be a shame. It will be faded, and from that whole flag will be just a white flag.
W: And when the white flag is brought out, then the shooting stops.
V: And that will be the end of the war… and the end of that flag as well.
V: I understand. You would like to reach retirement and not on a candelabra. Like everyone.
W: Flags can be problematic, how Švejk would say. When it’s not a truly reliable material, then it won’t last. A cheap flag will fade its colors. You can wash it and in the end you can use it as undergarments.
V: Colourfast flags are the best. You can rely on those. Just take the English flag - that’s some sturdy material that waves all across the world and in all climates.
W: And the American flag? With those beautiful stripes and stars? In the entire western hemisphere, with all of that sun, the good work of millions of people, it still looks like new.
V: And while you’re talking about millions of people, how about that Russian flag? It is uni-colored, practical, and waves across a sixth of the globe.
W: I prefer the Czechoslovakian flag. It has been flying for twenty years, but those three colors - white, blue, and red - they have been flying for some time and they will never stop flying. Those three colors make up two thirds of the world. And what do you think about the flag that flies in the German Reich today?
V: You mean the one with the hooked cross. That’s not a good material.
W: That flag is only good on a button of a beer association in Munich.
V: After all, that's it was conceptualized - over some drunk politics.
W: But now they are putting that flag in places where it doesn’t belong. On the Eiffel Tower, on Hradčany..
V: … On Acropolis, in Amsterdam and Norway… That’s lots of varied climates for such a bad material. And now those fools would like to put it in the London fog and in those cold-hot Russian Steppes. After all, it will fade on them.
W: Let me tell you something. That hooked cross is already fading on them.
V: If they want to continue on like this, then I don’t know. Always that hooked cross, they wave it everywhere, one day they will look up, and see how that hooked cross flies, and it will be a shame. It will be faded, and from that whole flag will be just a white flag.
W: And when the white flag is brought out, then the shooting stops.
V: And that will be the end of the war… and the end of that flag as well.
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