V&W for BBC
Tiso vs Kutlvasr
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Pro program: BBC
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Název písně: píseň na motivy Die Fahne hoch!
Variantní název: Tiso vs Kutlvasr
Jiří Voskovec
Tiso vs-Kutlvasr Slovenský prezident Jozef Tiso (1887-1947) prohlásil, že Slováci se nikdy své samostatnosti nevzdají - V+W: Slováci se jí nemůžou vzdát, když žádnou samostatnost nemají...
Jan Werich, Jiří Voskovec
Jozef Tiso
Místo nahrání: New York
Digitalizováno: ano
v & W for B.B.C
9 of гГи1у/Д,1942
(у) é
W : Jestlipak vas někdy napadlo jakej ten otecko Tiso je s^rymar?
^ Д1б dejte pokoj,spry,mar...otecko Tis o,takový zemepan,vládoe dobromyslný кr&fsf na vse bolševické,spravedlivý nejenom к Němcům nýbrž i к Nemcun W Jak to,nejenom к Němcům,nybrz i к to jste se přeřekl,ne?To jste to prehna ¥ : Nik olivek, to jsem nepřehnal,to jsem p odehnal,Tiso je nejenom spravedlivý к Němcům,nybrz i к Němcům, ••
W : A co ke Slovákům?
У : Ti otecka Tlsa ani moc nezajimaji,To zase spis otecko Tiso zajima Slováky Je zajima,kde bere ty penize,co dava Nemeckym detem, je zajima proč otecko Tiso zadava stavby nemeckym architekt um, kdy z ma moc dobré slovenskeaíkteri nemaji do čeho píchnout,dale Slováky zajima,proč otecko Tiso zaplati za shořelou vesnicl/nemeckouj/íslovenskymi penezi.. .zkratka moc věci zaj ima Slováky i Ale ze by byl šprýmař, to mi nebylo vjrbec známo.
W : Aniž bylo mne,váženy pane kolego..lec skutečnost mne přesvědčila...račte wlaskavé představit,ze pan president Tiso onehda na nejake oslavě prohlasi ze Slováci se uz nikdy nevzdaji sve nynejsi samostatnosti.
V : A pro pana krále..a co je na tom smesnyho..vlastne?Dyt je to smutnej vtip W : У on to asi Tiso jako vtip nemyslil,ono mu to tak vyšlo.To se vi,ze se ty
dnesni samostatnosti Slováci nikdy nevzdáj,Oni nemuzou,kdyz žádnou samostatnost nemaj,
У : Ja si myslim,ze*jfisó
ani to ne,on musi dělat co'
W : Ja myslim,ze nezbývá.
V : Protože kdyby se zamyslil,tak by ho musilo napadnout,Jak to s nim musi
: A to by ovsem moh upadnout,kdyby si na to vzpomel,
T Myslím si kolikrát,ze mu musi bejt pekne horko,když se začne nad Tatrami blýskat a otecko si namátkou vzpomene,ze jednoho dne Slováci oziju.
asi mel na mysli svou vlastni samostatnost,ačkoli ,katolickému knězi,pohan Hitler naridi. Tiso vjťbeo nic nemyslil,když mluvil.OnoOtfy uz nic jiného
9 of гГи1у/Д,1942
(у) é
W : Jestlipak vas někdy napadlo jakej ten otecko Tiso je s^rymar?
^ Д1б dejte pokoj,spry,mar...otecko Tis o,takový zemepan,vládoe dobromyslný кr&fsf na vse bolševické,spravedlivý nejenom к Němcům nýbrž i к Nemcun W Jak to,nejenom к Němcům,nybrz i к to jste se přeřekl,ne?To jste to prehna ¥ : Nik olivek, to jsem nepřehnal,to jsem p odehnal,Tiso je nejenom spravedlivý к Němcům,nybrz i к Němcům, ••
W : A co ke Slovákům?
У : Ti otecka Tlsa ani moc nezajimaji,To zase spis otecko Tiso zajima Slováky Je zajima,kde bere ty penize,co dava Nemeckym detem, je zajima proč otecko Tiso zadava stavby nemeckym architekt um, kdy z ma moc dobré slovenskeaíkteri nemaji do čeho píchnout,dale Slováky zajima,proč otecko Tiso zaplati za shořelou vesnicl/nemeckouj/íslovenskymi penezi.. .zkratka moc věci zaj ima Slováky i Ale ze by byl šprýmař, to mi nebylo vjrbec známo.
W : Aniž bylo mne,váženy pane kolego..lec skutečnost mne přesvědčila...račte wlaskavé představit,ze pan president Tiso onehda na nejake oslavě prohlasi ze Slováci se uz nikdy nevzdaji sve nynejsi samostatnosti.
V : A pro pana krále..a co je na tom smesnyho..vlastne?Dyt je to smutnej vtip W : У on to asi Tiso jako vtip nemyslil,ono mu to tak vyšlo.To se vi,ze se ty
dnesni samostatnosti Slováci nikdy nevzdáj,Oni nemuzou,kdyz žádnou samostatnost nemaj,
У : Ja si myslim,ze*jfisó
ani to ne,on musi dělat co'
W : Ja myslim,ze nezbývá.
V : Protože kdyby se zamyslil,tak by ho musilo napadnout,Jak to s nim musi
: A to by ovsem moh upadnout,kdyby si na to vzpomel,
T Myslím si kolikrát,ze mu musi bejt pekne horko,když se začne nad Tatrami blýskat a otecko si namátkou vzpomene,ze jednoho dne Slováci oziju.
asi mel na mysli svou vlastni samostatnost,ačkoli ,katolickému knězi,pohan Hitler naridi. Tiso vjťbeo nic nemyslil,když mluvil.OnoOtfy uz nic jiného
f V & W for B.B.C.
W : No vzdyt on je tak z tolio nadšeny,ze pro jistotu ^všechny sjezdy na Slovensku#
V : Ale jdete..doufám ze tim zarazil bolševikům nekale rejdy.
W : A to se set sakramentsky pletete., .vlastních, lidi se boji.To sjezdováni
bylo zakazan^hlavně í^y se překazil sjezd Katolického Studenstva ar Trenčíne a Cyrilo-metodejskeho spolku v Miohalovicich.
V : Jen tak dale,pane katecheto,jen at slovenské studenstvo vidi,jaký jste to
W : Nemusím snad zvlaste zdůrazňovat,ze sjezdováni Gardistu.Hlinkový mládeže a ostatních nacistických organised zakazano nebylo.
V ; Ale nechrne toho Tisy pro dnešek a obratme se к jinému Uechoslovakjt.Ale opravdu^
W : Tak honenupo tom Tisovi to bude úleva.
V t Ten Čechoslovák,ktereho ja myslim, je zosobněni toho,co si dnes všichni ^Cesi a Slováci přeji bytrto je vojak.bojujici s uspechem proti panu
Schickelgruberovi.Je to nadporučík %telvasr,ktory sestřelil 5Qř nemeck*.^ letad£&
July 9,1942
• •
ja myslim
o chlapíka znam.Poslyste,pane nadporučíku Kutlvasere,dovolte
podekova-^ za to,co pro Československo delate.
Y i To není jenom těch ZOl německých letadel,ktere jste sundal,vase prače a
odvaha je nova krev do zil všem Čechoslovákům,kteří Jsou doma,touzl
sundávat Nemce. .ale nemohou,vase úspěchy jsou živou výstrahou za Lidi co
a živou připomínkou Tisům,Moravcům,Eachum a podobné chamradi.
Nadporučíku Kutlvasere,dovolte дат zapět na vaši specielní počest
der dle das ein zyrei drei
Die Kalme hoch, die Aeihen dicht gesohlossen Zutí as hoch,s tim fousem pod nosem Nervozne si/i*po—po—potahuje knírek
Kutlvasnr je na něho stírek ( bis )
W : Slava mu,tah
am znovu
W l
W : No vzdyt on je tak z tolio nadšeny,ze pro jistotu ^všechny sjezdy na Slovensku#
V : Ale jdete..doufám ze tim zarazil bolševikům nekale rejdy.
W : A to se set sakramentsky pletete., .vlastních, lidi se boji.To sjezdováni
bylo zakazan^hlavně í^y se překazil sjezd Katolického Studenstva ar Trenčíne a Cyrilo-metodejskeho spolku v Miohalovicich.
V : Jen tak dale,pane katecheto,jen at slovenské studenstvo vidi,jaký jste to
W : Nemusím snad zvlaste zdůrazňovat,ze sjezdováni Gardistu.Hlinkový mládeže a ostatních nacistických organised zakazano nebylo.
V ; Ale nechrne toho Tisy pro dnešek a obratme se к jinému Uechoslovakjt.Ale opravdu^
W : Tak honenupo tom Tisovi to bude úleva.
V t Ten Čechoslovák,ktereho ja myslim, je zosobněni toho,co si dnes všichni ^Cesi a Slováci přeji bytrto je vojak.bojujici s uspechem proti panu
Schickelgruberovi.Je to nadporučík %telvasr,ktory sestřelil 5Qř nemeck*.^ letad£&
July 9,1942
• •
ja myslim
o chlapíka znam.Poslyste,pane nadporučíku Kutlvasere,dovolte
podekova-^ za to,co pro Československo delate.
Y i To není jenom těch ZOl německých letadel,ktere jste sundal,vase prače a
odvaha je nova krev do zil všem Čechoslovákům,kteří Jsou doma,touzl
sundávat Nemce. .ale nemohou,vase úspěchy jsou živou výstrahou za Lidi co
a živou připomínkou Tisům,Moravcům,Eachum a podobné chamradi.
Nadporučíku Kutlvasere,dovolte дат zapět na vaši specielní počest
der dle das ein zyrei drei
Die Kalme hoch, die Aeihen dicht gesohlossen Zutí as hoch,s tim fousem pod nosem Nervozne si/i*po—po—potahuje knírek
Kutlvasnr je na něho stírek ( bis )
W : Slava mu,tah
am znovu
W l
Voskovev & Werich for B.B.C*
ЩШ 9,1942
W 5 Bid you ever think of father Tis о being a joker • V i No kidding*a joker
Father Tiši,such a ruler,a just ruler,but brutal whoa he sees anything which seems to be bolshevist.A ruler who loves
• • • •
• • •
Wu&t do you mean.*loves Germans..шЦ>ЦфЦЫ you oxagerate No,that was an understatement as a matter of fact
• * t
• ФФ
W : And what about Slovaks?
V : Father Tiso does not let the Slovaks bother him
on the contrary ,Slcvaki are much interested in Father Tiso...They* re asking,where is the money from Fther Tiso is giving to the Gerrnn children,They would like to know
why Father Tiso has jobs only for German Architects,furthermore why ready
Tiso ÍS going to pay with Slovak money for a burnee uerman village in none word Slovaks are interested in many things. But I did nbt know at all about Father Tiso being a joker*
W : Neither did I,my dear collegue...but the reality has convinced me
Imagine that the other day Father Tiso solemnly declared,that Slovaks will never give up their present independence.
Y : For heavens sake...what*о funny on it anyhow?It is a sad joke.
W : Be did not mean It as a joke,I guess,it just came out like that.How could they give up yheir independence vrhen they Lavn’t got any.
V ili$MI0ф0/V/asn*t Tiso speaking about his own independence,,
he can do only what he,a eatholik priest,is allowed
• ••
• #
0 no..he wasn’t to do by a pagan.
V i I think,Tiso was thiikig of nothing while speaking...
much things to think about,anyhow
V : ’ Cause if he would think a little,he woul d have to came to very bad
conclusions as to his end.I presume,he must be getting pretty hot,when the storm starts to howl above the Tatra v/hich reminds
him of the song about Slovaks coming to reckon with him.
• ф Ф
he hasn ’t got very
• • •
ЩШ 9,1942
W 5 Bid you ever think of father Tis о being a joker • V i No kidding*a joker
Father Tiši,such a ruler,a just ruler,but brutal whoa he sees anything which seems to be bolshevist.A ruler who loves
• • • •
• • •
Wu&t do you mean.*loves Germans..шЦ>ЦфЦЫ you oxagerate No,that was an understatement as a matter of fact
• * t
• ФФ
W : And what about Slovaks?
V : Father Tiso does not let the Slovaks bother him
on the contrary ,Slcvaki are much interested in Father Tiso...They* re asking,where is the money from Fther Tiso is giving to the Gerrnn children,They would like to know
why Father Tiso has jobs only for German Architects,furthermore why ready
Tiso ÍS going to pay with Slovak money for a burnee uerman village in none word Slovaks are interested in many things. But I did nbt know at all about Father Tiso being a joker*
W : Neither did I,my dear collegue...but the reality has convinced me
Imagine that the other day Father Tiso solemnly declared,that Slovaks will never give up their present independence.
Y : For heavens sake...what*о funny on it anyhow?It is a sad joke.
W : Be did not mean It as a joke,I guess,it just came out like that.How could they give up yheir independence vrhen they Lavn’t got any.
V ili$MI0ф0/V/asn*t Tiso speaking about his own independence,,
he can do only what he,a eatholik priest,is allowed
• ••
• #
0 no..he wasn’t to do by a pagan.
V i I think,Tiso was thiikig of nothing while speaking...
much things to think about,anyhow
V : ’ Cause if he would think a little,he woul d have to came to very bad
conclusions as to his end.I presume,he must be getting pretty hot,when the storm starts to howl above the Tatra v/hich reminds
him of the song about Slovaks coming to reckon with him.
• ф Ф
he hasn ’t got very
• • •
V & W for B.B.C.
July 9,1942
W ; He is so enthusiastic about it,that,Just to be sure,he prohibited all Slovak conventions,
V : I hope he trapped all bad bolsheviks by that order.
W : Your mistaken, .it* s his own people he’s affraid of .It ws aimed against the convention of Catholic Youth at Trencin.
i’ine,just go ahead jr.Priest,let the Slovak students see for themselves
what a kind of patriot you are.
i-e> emphasise
W : I hope there is no# need áHnr uaáttfeU£&hg >that all Nazi organi-
zations are are free to meet.
Y : Lets skipp Tiso for the timeinbeing and have a look on honest Czechoslovak ft i Go ahead,it’libe a relief after that Tiso.
Y : Taht Czechoslovak,I want to speak about,is a personification of all taht,
what all the Czechs and Slovaks dream to be:he is a soldier figthing Mr. Schickelgruber.His name is lieutenant Kutlvasr whoSs knoked down 21 erman aircraft*
W : Good for him,I *ve heard of that chap,Hello,lieutenant Kutlvasr,let us tyank you for what you’re doing for Czechoslovakia.
Y : Besides those 21 airplanes shot down your good job and your courage
is a fresh blood into the veins of all Czechoslovaks at home,who are
longing to shoot down Germans,but nan not .Your success is a warning for
Lidice,and a live reminder to all Tisos,Moravec’,Hachas and so on.
W : lieutenant Kutlvaser ket us sing for you,ein Zwei drei:
^Dle ffahne hoch,die Heihen dicht geschhoscen ^■The Ьозг with a moustache is in rage ^líervously is pulling his moustache * cause feitlvaser is after his planes.
July 9,1942
W ; He is so enthusiastic about it,that,Just to be sure,he prohibited all Slovak conventions,
V : I hope he trapped all bad bolsheviks by that order.
W : Your mistaken, .it* s his own people he’s affraid of .It ws aimed against the convention of Catholic Youth at Trencin.
i’ine,just go ahead jr.Priest,let the Slovak students see for themselves
what a kind of patriot you are.
i-e> emphasise
W : I hope there is no# need áHnr uaáttfeU£&hg >that all Nazi organi-
zations are are free to meet.
Y : Lets skipp Tiso for the timeinbeing and have a look on honest Czechoslovak ft i Go ahead,it’libe a relief after that Tiso.
Y : Taht Czechoslovak,I want to speak about,is a personification of all taht,
what all the Czechs and Slovaks dream to be:he is a soldier figthing Mr. Schickelgruber.His name is lieutenant Kutlvasr whoSs knoked down 21 erman aircraft*
W : Good for him,I *ve heard of that chap,Hello,lieutenant Kutlvasr,let us tyank you for what you’re doing for Czechoslovakia.
Y : Besides those 21 airplanes shot down your good job and your courage
is a fresh blood into the veins of all Czechoslovaks at home,who are
longing to shoot down Germans,but nan not .Your success is a warning for
Lidice,and a live reminder to all Tisos,Moravec’,Hachas and so on.
W : lieutenant Kutlvaser ket us sing for you,ein Zwei drei:
^Dle ffahne hoch,die Heihen dicht geschhoscen ^■The Ьозг with a moustache is in rage ^líervously is pulling his moustache * cause feitlvaser is after his planes.
Voskovev & Werich for B.B.C*
ЩШ 9,1942
W 5 Bid you ever think of father Tis о being a joker • V i No kidding*a joker
Father Tiši,such a ruler,a just ruler,but brutal whoa he sees anything which seems to be bolshevist.A ruler who loves
• • • •
• • •
Wu&t do you mean.*loves Germans..шЦ>ЦфЦЫ you oxagerate No,that was an understatement as a matter of fact
• * t
• ФФ
W : And what about Slovaks?
V : Father Tiso does not let the Slovaks bother him
on the contrary ,Slcvaki are much interested in Father Tiso...They* re asking,where is the money from Fther Tiso is giving to the Gerrnn children,They would like to know
why Father Tiso has jobs only for German Architects,furthermore why ready
Tiso ÍS going to pay with Slovak money for a burnee uerman village in none word Slovaks are interested in many things. But I did nbt know at all about Father Tiso being a joker*
W : Neither did I,my dear collegue...but the reality has convinced me
Imagine that the other day Father Tiso solemnly declared,that Slovaks will never give up their present independence.
Y : For heavens sake...what*о funny on it anyhow?It is a sad joke.
W : Be did not mean It as a joke,I guess,it just came out like that.How could they give up yheir independence vrhen they Lavn’t got any.
V ili$MI0ф0/V/asn*t Tiso speaking about his own independence,,
he can do only what he,a eatholik priest,is allowed
• ••
• #
0 no..he wasn’t to do by a pagan.
V i I think,Tiso was thiikig of nothing while speaking...
much things to think about,anyhow
V : ’ Cause if he would think a little,he woul d have to came to very bad
conclusions as to his end.I presume,he must be getting pretty hot,when the storm starts to howl above the Tatra v/hich reminds
him of the song about Slovaks coming to reckon with him.
• ф Ф
he hasn ’t got very
• • •
ЩШ 9,1942
W 5 Bid you ever think of father Tis о being a joker • V i No kidding*a joker
Father Tiši,such a ruler,a just ruler,but brutal whoa he sees anything which seems to be bolshevist.A ruler who loves
• • • •
• • •
Wu&t do you mean.*loves Germans..шЦ>ЦфЦЫ you oxagerate No,that was an understatement as a matter of fact
• * t
• ФФ
W : And what about Slovaks?
V : Father Tiso does not let the Slovaks bother him
on the contrary ,Slcvaki are much interested in Father Tiso...They* re asking,where is the money from Fther Tiso is giving to the Gerrnn children,They would like to know
why Father Tiso has jobs only for German Architects,furthermore why ready
Tiso ÍS going to pay with Slovak money for a burnee uerman village in none word Slovaks are interested in many things. But I did nbt know at all about Father Tiso being a joker*
W : Neither did I,my dear collegue...but the reality has convinced me
Imagine that the other day Father Tiso solemnly declared,that Slovaks will never give up their present independence.
Y : For heavens sake...what*о funny on it anyhow?It is a sad joke.
W : Be did not mean It as a joke,I guess,it just came out like that.How could they give up yheir independence vrhen they Lavn’t got any.
V ili$MI0ф0/V/asn*t Tiso speaking about his own independence,,
he can do only what he,a eatholik priest,is allowed
• ••
• #
0 no..he wasn’t to do by a pagan.
V i I think,Tiso was thiikig of nothing while speaking...
much things to think about,anyhow
V : ’ Cause if he would think a little,he woul d have to came to very bad
conclusions as to his end.I presume,he must be getting pretty hot,when the storm starts to howl above the Tatra v/hich reminds
him of the song about Slovaks coming to reckon with him.
• ф Ф
he hasn ’t got very
• • •
V & W for B.B.C.
July 9,1942
W ; He is so enthusiastic about it,that,Just to be sure,he prohibited all Slovak conventions,
V : I hope he trapped all bad bolsheviks by that order.
W : Your mistaken, .it* s his own people he’s affraid of .It ws aimed against the convention of Catholic Youth at Trencin.
i’ine,just go ahead jr.Priest,let the Slovak students see for themselves
what a kind of patriot you are.
i-e> emphasise
W : I hope there is no# need áHnr uaáttfeU£&hg >that all Nazi organi-
zations are are free to meet.
Y : Lets skipp Tiso for the timeinbeing and have a look on honest Czechoslovak ft i Go ahead,it’libe a relief after that Tiso.
Y : Taht Czechoslovak,I want to speak about,is a personification of all taht,
what all the Czechs and Slovaks dream to be:he is a soldier figthing Mr. Schickelgruber.His name is lieutenant Kutlvasr whoSs knoked down 21 erman aircraft*
W : Good for him,I *ve heard of that chap,Hello,lieutenant Kutlvasr,let us tyank you for what you’re doing for Czechoslovakia.
Y : Besides those 21 airplanes shot down your good job and your courage
is a fresh blood into the veins of all Czechoslovaks at home,who are
longing to shoot down Germans,but nan not .Your success is a warning for
Lidice,and a live reminder to all Tisos,Moravec’,Hachas and so on.
W : lieutenant Kutlvaser ket us sing for you,ein Zwei drei:
^Dle ffahne hoch,die Heihen dicht geschhoscen ^■The Ьозг with a moustache is in rage ^líervously is pulling his moustache * cause feitlvaser is after his planes.
July 9,1942
W ; He is so enthusiastic about it,that,Just to be sure,he prohibited all Slovak conventions,
V : I hope he trapped all bad bolsheviks by that order.
W : Your mistaken, .it* s his own people he’s affraid of .It ws aimed against the convention of Catholic Youth at Trencin.
i’ine,just go ahead jr.Priest,let the Slovak students see for themselves
what a kind of patriot you are.
i-e> emphasise
W : I hope there is no# need áHnr uaáttfeU£&hg >that all Nazi organi-
zations are are free to meet.
Y : Lets skipp Tiso for the timeinbeing and have a look on honest Czechoslovak ft i Go ahead,it’libe a relief after that Tiso.
Y : Taht Czechoslovak,I want to speak about,is a personification of all taht,
what all the Czechs and Slovaks dream to be:he is a soldier figthing Mr. Schickelgruber.His name is lieutenant Kutlvasr whoSs knoked down 21 erman aircraft*
W : Good for him,I *ve heard of that chap,Hello,lieutenant Kutlvasr,let us tyank you for what you’re doing for Czechoslovakia.
Y : Besides those 21 airplanes shot down your good job and your courage
is a fresh blood into the veins of all Czechoslovaks at home,who are
longing to shoot down Germans,but nan not .Your success is a warning for
Lidice,and a live reminder to all Tisos,Moravec’,Hachas and so on.
W : lieutenant Kutlvaser ket us sing for you,ein Zwei drei:
^Dle ffahne hoch,die Heihen dicht geschhoscen ^■The Ьозг with a moustache is in rage ^líervously is pulling his moustache * cause feitlvaser is after his planes.
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